Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You Want Fries With That?

I'm a huge advocate for healthy, mindful eating. I try my best to model good eating behavior by keeping my intake of red meat, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol low. Lately, however, it seems like it doesn't matter what the food is. I'm eating it. All the time.

In addition to all of the nifty things (pace, heart rate, elevation) my Forerunner data tells me, I get the total number of calories I expend during a run - based on my weight, pace, distance, etc. And Sunday's run cost me over 1,700 calories. That's about half a pound!

So to keep from losing weight I'm eating everything in sight. I know I need to make a significant effort to ensure those extra calories are the "right" ones - from foods that are nutritious and won't be detrimental to my training or health. But that cheeseburger at the Summer House last night was too tempting to resist! (But I didn't have fries with it!)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Glad to know you have the same problem I do!
Always Hungry in MD