Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Long Run

The moment I stepped outside I knew today's run would be a little difficult. The air was heavy with humidity, which has always given me breathing problems. So I took it a little slower. Still, by the 2-mile mark, I was already drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. I slowed down a little more.

Somewhere around the 5-mile mark I finally hit my stride and started feeling alright. The sun came through the clouds which was a mixed blessing. It "burned off" the heaviness of the air, but also seemed to increase the temperature by several degrees.

I made it to the 8-mile turn-around point, downed a strawberry-banana Gu, and trudged on. By mile 12 I was feeling sluggish again so I decided to do a little walk/jog combination - walk for 30 seconds, jog for 5-6 minutes. That got me through the rest of the way, and I finished 16 miles. I just downloaded my Forerunner information and somehow I still ended up averaging less than 9 minutes per mile.

Now, an hour later, I feel better than I did last week after 15 miles. And I'm off to start eating - I've got over 1,800 calories to make up!

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