Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life Gets In The Way

For nearly the past week, I've completely sluffed off on my training. Bad timing with an "electric issue" at the Y pool pre-empted a swim workout. A long weekend trip to New Orleans, while a lot of fun, sabotaged several potentially good workouts. And a staff meeting tonight that ran 30 minutes over what it should have prevented another swim workout (because the pool closed before I could get in it.)

Lately life has been getting in the way of my workouts and I need to change that. Luckily this has been a recovery week so the workouts that I would have done were planned to be less intense (and there were fewer planned.) While I can't stop working (I'd hate to give up those creature comforts like eating and sleeping in a bed) I can change my training schedule.

So New Year's resolution #2 - since I've already broken #1 by letting 10 days slip by without a post - is to start getting up earlier to get my workouts in before I do anything else. I'm not going to let life get in my way.

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