Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dealing with Reality

I'm gathering my stuff together to head back to work to get a good swim workout in before finishing the rest of the afternoon.

After my no-swim workout debacle on Tuesday, I had to come to grips that I'm not - at least for now - going to be able to do what my coach wants me to do in the water. It's ok - at least for now.

Today I'm going to get in the water, try my best, and work on my technique. My workout probably will be nothing like the 2,400 yards I'm supposed to be doing, but that doesn't matter - at least for now.

The important thing is that I'm getting in the water, I'm working what I need to, and I'm not letting my own self-doubts get in the way.

I had a good bike workout yesterday morning (I hadn't moved quite so quickly at 6am in a long time) and I'm going to have a good swim workout today.

I'm going to fix the things that I suck at - at least for now.

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