Monday, December 22, 2008

In the Pool

It's been a couple weeks since my last post -- primarily because I haven't had much to talk about. I've been, as was recommended, keeping ative and in shape without doing any real training.

I've gotten back in the weight room a couple times and kept up with teaching my regular BodyFlex class and Spinning class. I've also spent more time in the pool at the Y.

Boy, am I going to need help there! I'm working on increasing my endurance in the water, but I've got a long way to go. Brett, the Y's aquatics director, and I couldn't get our schedules to mesh for her to help me with my technique as we had planned. This is something we've got to do right after the first of the year.

For now, I'm just plodding along. This morning I plan on taking my first yoga class and tonight I'm teaching a "Christmas Carol" Spinning class (the remixed Bing Crosby First Noel is a killer.) I'll get one more time in the pool before heading to sunny, warm Wisconsin (he said, dripping with sarcasm) for Christmas. But I've already located a YMCA to get a workout in on the day after Christmas - something I never would have done a year ago!

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