Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lazy Blogger

I just realized I haven't posted anything in a week. That doesn't mean I haven't been training. On the contrary, I've been working hard.

Sunday I had a good 55-minute run, followed by a good 45-minute run on Monday. My pace on these has been fairly quick.

Last night was the Tri-Delaware meeting. We held it at Elite Physical Therapy, so we had some PT's work with us on some stretching. I really stretched out my IT band and my hamstrings - big time. I was feeling great last night.

Today, my hamstrings weren't the greatest, but they felt ok. So mid-day, when I went to do an 18-mile run, I felt pretty good. My pace was quick and I PR'd my half-marathon with a time of 1:38:53 - about a 7:33/mile pace. Around mile 15 or so my hamstrings started talking to me, and I had slowed miles 16 and 17 down to 7:48 each. I was able to pick it up a bit in mile 18 to finish in 2 hours 16 minutes - a 7:35 average.

After the run, my hamstring were screaming at me. Sitting is ok, but standing is horrible. So lots of Advil, stretching, and Ben Gay for me tonight.

My goal for the marathon is to finish under 3 hours, 30 minutes at a 7:55 average. I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I'm beginning to think that breaking 3:20 - and qualifying for Boston - is a possibility. I'd really have to push it for the last 8 miles to keep my pace, but if I'm having a great day, it could be there.

We'll see.